Western Isles Lottery Funding
The Western Isles Lifestyle Lottery (WILL) is a weekly lottery brought to you by The Western Isles Community Society. For every £1 ticket you buy, 55% goes directly towards supporting the Western Isles.HVS supports the work of the lottery and distributes lottery funding locally.
The Western Isles Lifestyle Lottery was born out of the recognition that, like many other places in Britain, there was a cash injection required to upgrade and improve, not only the presentation of the Islands for the increasing tourist trade, but also the year round lifestyle for, approximately, 28,000 Island residents.

When you buy a ticket for £1 you will be entered into a draw to win cash prizes. Profit from ticket sales then gets redistributed locally to:
Improve the aesthetics throughout the Western Isles to provide a more pleasing environment for residents and attract tourism;
Upgrade current facilities around the Islands for the benefit of all;
Provide additional recreational activities and events throughout the Western Isles;
Encourage and enable the participation of those residing in the Western Isles, and to foster their inclusive support, in an upgrading of their environment;
Embrace the extensive multi-national cultures of those families who have relocated to reside in the Western Isles by seeking their views and helping them make decisions in the planning of all recreational aspects of Island life to support integration and social cohesion.
Create employment through innovative projects where at all possible.
Does your organisation or community group need funding? Does your project fit the aims outlined above?
If so, get in touch with us!